Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the hurricane.
Dark Creations ATX
***Hey guys… The DCATX crew are safe here in the South Central Texas area…however we are all addressing our current personal property damage and keeping up to date with friends and loved ones during this tough time. Many thanks to all of you who have reached out to us expressing concern. The main fabrication warehouse experienced some minor wind damage along with minor flooding but will be addressed fully once the rain and winds subside this week as we continue to also be pounded by torrential rain. All orders will be attended to promptly once we are back operational over next 2-3 days. Please keep those along the Texas coast in your thoughts and prayers as they are in for a very very long recovery with severe unprecedented flooding and damage as rains still are pounding their already devastated areas***
Thank you all on behalf of us here @ DCATX.
Owner/Lead Designer
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