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Episode 75
Well here it is, early March and the countdown to Transworld is in full swing. In 2 short weeks, Pro Haunters from all over the country will converge on St. Louis for the mother of all haunter trade shows, the Halloween and Attractions Show.
Seated with the (g)Hosts at the Roundtable of Terror are Bobby Arel of Decimated Designs and Alex Lohman of When Hinges Creak, and they give us the details on what to expect from them at Transworld.
The Unknown Scare-Actor chats with Kristi Ray and Joe Stauffer about there new indie film, Pieces of Talent, a dark love story with a unique and twisted antagonist.
Eric Vysther returns to talk about the 13th floor entertainment group and gives us his opinions on the Chicago attraction.
Badger brings us an interview with Haunt X in Reno Nevada, and Deadline News.
Storm rants on about the haunt creative process, in a Haunt Minute, and the Unknown Scare-Actor asks you to Face your Fears, while Jerry Vayne spins the tunes to keep you in the haunting mood.
We hid the body, but you will become and accomplice, just by listening to…
Featured Music:
Gladezmen – Big Ol’ Monster
Calabrese – Damned to the Night
Grave Robber – Army of the Dead