[#Horror #Podcast] Horror Movie Podcast Ep. 031: Halloween Franchise Overview and Halloween: 25 Years of Terror (2006) – Part 5 of 5
10 years agoon

Horror Movie Podcast Ep. 031: Halloween Franchise Overview and Halloween: 25 Years of Terror (2006) – Part 5 of 5 read more.
Happy Halloween and congratulations! You’ve made it to our fifth and final portion of the HORROR MOVIE PODCAST HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA, a five-part series, where your hosts — and some great guests — have covered the entire Halloween franchise in-depth, Horror Movie Podcast-style… If you haven’t heard Episodes 027 through 030 yet, please go back and listen to those first. This episode is intended to be heard last.
In Episode 031, Jay of the Dead, Wolfman Josh and Dr. Shock welcome three Halloween experts as guests: the original Creepture himself, GREGAMORTIS and The Man, The Meat, The Legend HADDONFIELD HATCHET, both from the Land of the Creeps horror podcast. And we also welcome back the Halloween collector who trumps them all, KENNY “THE PUMPKIN KING” CAPERTON, director of indie horror film “Honeyspider” (2014) and owner of the Myers House NC.
In this show, you’re going to hear a Franchise Overview of the entire Halloween series, as well as some discussion about the 2006 documentary, “Halloween: 25 Years of Terror.” You’ll also hear what the hosts are doing tonight on Halloween; some trick-or-treating preferences; thoughts about the Producer’s Cut of “Halloween VI,” versus the theatrical release; some of the finer points — compliments and complaints — about the various “Halloween” releases and collections, including the anniversary edition and the Complete Collection Blu-ray set; thoughts about the future of the Halloween franchise; the best order to watch these movies in; candy corn; thoughts on who should direct the next “Halloween” movie; discussion about Danielle Harris’s decision not to join the “Halloween VI” cast; the two lucky winners of the Fright Rags horror t-shirts and much more! Join us, and if you like what you hear, subscribe for free in iTunes and leave us a review.
Horror Movie Podcast is typically a bi-weekly show that’s released every other Friday. But during the month of October 2014, we have brought you a new release every Friday this month: October 3, October 10, October 17, October 24 and October 31.
If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe to our podcast free in iTunes, and leave us a review! And remember, we love getting your voice mails, so call in with more recommendations and comments at this number: (801) 382-8789. Thanks for listening to Horror Movie Podcast!
I. Introduction
— Welcome special guests: GregaMortis, Haddonfield Hatchet, Kenny Caperton
— What we’ll be doing this Halloween
— Some trick-or-treating preferences
With special guests GregaMortis and Haddonfield Hatchet and Kenny Caperton
[ 1:29:12 ] III. Announce the Winners of the Fright Rags Horror T-Shirt Drawing
— Discuss some unofficial listener stats on the Halloween franchise
[ 1:34:19 ] IV. Review: HALLOWEEN: 25 Years of Terror (2006)
Jay of the Dead = 6 ( Rental )
Wolfman Josh = ( Avoid )
GregaMortis = ( Buy it! )
IV. Wrap-Up / Plugs / Ending
— Thanks to Fright for donating two free shirts.
JOIN US NEXT TIME ON HMP: Friday, November 7, 2014 — Episode 032
NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS: If you love this podcast, there are 36 episodes of two other great podcasts that precede this one. Just scroll back through our archives, or use the links in the sidebar on the right.
Courtesy of Kenny Caperton: Horror Movies Set on Halloween
Links for GregaMortis:
Land of the Creeps horror podcast
GregaMortis on Facebook
On Twitter: @GregaMortis
LotC on iTunes
LotC on Stitcher
LotC on Facebook
GregaMortis on YouTube
See GregaMortis in the horror movie: Honeyspider
Honeyspider on Facebook
Honeyspider on Twitter: @HoneyspiderFilm
E-mail GregaMortis: GregaMortis666 ( AT ) gmail ( DOT ) com
Links for Haddonfield Hatchet:
On Twitter: @SuperDavis78
Land of the Creeps horror podcast
LotC on iTunes
LotC on Stitcher
LotC on Facebook
LotC on Twitter: @LandOfTheCreeps
E-mail HH: LandOfTheCreeps ( AT ) gmail ( DOT ) com
Land of the Creeps’s coverage of the Halloween franchise:
Land of the Creeps gives a commentary on John Carpenter’s Halloween (1978)
Land of the Creeps covers: Halloween 2 and 3
Land of the Creeps covers: Halloween 4, 5 and 6
Land of the Creeps covers: Halloween H20 and Resurrection
Land of the Creeps covers: Rob Zombie’s Halloween 1 and 2 with special guest Tyler Mane
Links for Kenny Caperton:
Myers House
Details for the 6th Annual Halloween Bash 2014
Myers House NC on Facebook
Myers House NC on Twitter: @MyersHouseNC
Learn about Kenny’s horror movie: Honeyspider
Honeyspider on Facebook
Honeyspider on Twitter: @HoneyspiderFilm
E-mail: Kenny ( AT ) MyersHouseNC ( DOT ) com
Wolfman Josh’s links:
Wolfman on Twitter: @IcarusArts
Wolfman Josh covers new releases in theaters on: Movie Podcast Weekly
Wolfman covers movies streaming online on: Movie Stream Cast
Dr. Shock’s links:
Dr. Shock’s daily movie review Web site: DVD
Dr. Shock on Twitter: @DVDinfatuation
Dr. Shock’s other horror podcast: Land of the Creeps
Jay of the Dead’s links:
Jay of the Dead and Horror Movie Podcast Official Twitter: @HorrorMovieCast
Jay of the Dead covers new releases in theaters on: Movie Podcast Weekly
And if you’d like to e-mail Jay of the Dead with a good Beastly Freaks recommendation: [email protected]
Dr. Walking Dead’s links:
Dr. Walking Dead on Twitter: @DrWalkingDead
Dr. Walking Dead’s books American Zombie Gothic and Triumph of The Walking Dead
You can always contact us by e-mailing [email protected]. Or you can call and leave us a voice mail at: (801) 382-8789. And you can leave us a comment in the show notes for this episode.
Special thanks goes out to singer-songwriter Frederick Ingram for the use of his music for Horror Movie Podcast.
If you like Horror Movie Podcast, please subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes. If you want to support the show, we have PayPal buttons on our sister site, Movie Podcast, in the right-hand sidebar where you can make a one-time donation or you can become a recurring donor for just $2 per month. (Every little bit helps!)
Thanks for listening, and join us again next Friday for HORROR MOVIE PODCAST, where we’re Dead Serious About Horror Movies.
Jay of the Dead
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