@hauntmagazine : Abandoned Smallpox Hospital is located on Roosevelt Island, a narrow island, in the East River of New York City…. http://t.co/knd1B9eEDq (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/589895002748231680) Abandoned...
@hauntmagazine : An old and abandoned hotel in the center of Odessa, Texas. CREEPY!! Pin Renee Seabolt. http://t.co/peW9FLWrxT (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/589873864542396416) An old and abandoned hotel...
CLICK HERE to read more from Netherworld Haunted House’s Facebook Wall read more. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p100x100/11164824_675259039274422_2705281524517549240_n.jpg?oh=41523451f91290c767703bf72f8035d2&oe=55A690CD&__gda__=1436599805_4f4fee837cf124f69f100b0b16014c72 Halloween Extreme FULL Spooky Empire/Halloween Extreme Schedule is now on line! TONS...
@hauntmagazine : Canada’s most haunted castle, the Casa Loma, a Gothic Revival style castle in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, built… http://t.co/54kQzAlitk (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/589858760820035584) Canada's most haunted...
@WalkrStalkrCon : @BerlynNcoleRios we list under the guest what days they are attending (via Twitter http://twitter.com/WalkrStalkrCon/status/589855045707026432) @BerlynNcoleRios we list under the guest what days they are...
@WalkrStalkrCon : . @14raygun the addition of @TheWalkingDead immersive experiences is the biggest difference at #WSFanFest (via Twitter http://twitter.com/WalkrStalkrCon/status/589849885999923200) . @14raygun the addition of @TheWalkingDead immersive...
@WalkrStalkrCon : San Diego Fan Fest tickets are ON SALE NOW! It will SELL OUT! Don’t wait! Buy NOW! http://t.co/vjDcFXa0Cp #WSFanFest (via Twitter http://twitter.com/WalkrStalkrCon/status/589826456798285827) San Diego...
@hauntmagazine : North Wales Hospital (Denbigh Asylum), complete with mortuary and autopsy table, which opened in 1848 and has… http://t.co/CM4V9YlaEC (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/589828565987909632) North Wales Hospital...
@hauntmagazine : World’s Most Haunted Forest – England’s Wychwood Forest abounds in haunted tales of visitors who feel hands… http://t.co/0qQecJTnFf (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/589795289063522304) World's Most Haunted...
@hotwireff : http://t.co/d0wXuoLj6h (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hotwireff/status/589785737756876800) http://t.co/d0wXuoLj6h — Hot Wire FoamFactory (@hotwireff) April 19, 2015 from http://twitter.com/hotwireff Follow us https://twitter.com/MastersOfFear