@hauntmagazine : Intense Creature Concept… great work! http://t.co/GUcZv00B93 http://t.co/FHc5EV3HaA (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/586656409644765185) Intense Creature Concept… great work! http://t.co/GUcZv00B93 http://t.co/FHc5EV3HaA — Haunted Attraction (@hauntmagazine) April 10, 2015 from...
CLICK HERE to read more from Headless Horseman Hayrides and Haunted Houses’s Facebook Wall Stay tuned into our instagram account @h5hayride and our YouTube account for...
CLICK HERE to read more from Screambox’s Facebook Wall 'Necromentia' is a disturbing nightmare that will haunt your dreams FOREVER – Bw… read more. 'Necromentia' is...
@RAMaterials : RT @rattle_and_burn: Casting day! @smoothon #moldstar silicones and Alumilite resins. #resin #casting #cosplay #cosplayprops https://t.co/GRBCobdeBe (via Twitter http://twitter.com/RAMaterials/status/586638390793207808) Casting day! @smoothon #moldstar silicones and...
@RAMaterials : RT @chinbeard: Check out this Shadowmourne axe build video by @KamuiCosplay! #wow https://t.co/8nUMPWz6sj http://t.co/MzgMvNoHOe (via Twitter http://twitter.com/RAMaterials/status/586637282582597632) Check out this Shadowmourne axe build video...
@RAMaterials : These playful faces are cast in Smooth-Cast 300 with Cast Magic, and So-Strong Colorants. #sculpture #moldmaking http://t.co/E2K6uiIieU (via Twitter http://twitter.com/RAMaterials/status/586634777559748608) These playful faces are...
@hauntmagazine : Scary old house in the woods…. http://t.co/0WlzssMTfS http://t.co/kRxL7HMfIC (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/586626214107815936) Scary old house in the woods…. http://t.co/0WlzssMTfS http://t.co/kRxL7HMfIC — Haunted Attraction (@hauntmagazine) April 10,...
@RAMaterials : Dont forget its #followfriday! @SoloRoboto (propmaker), @TomSpinaDesigns (Movie Prop Maker), @bhp99 (model builder) (via Twitter http://twitter.com/RAMaterials/status/586619676005965824) Dont forget its #followfriday! @SoloRoboto (propmaker), @TomSpinaDesigns (Movie...
@FrightProps : We’d certainly watch a movie called Alice in Zombieland. http://t.co/0GQ8JVM4ZZ (via Twitter http://twitter.com/FrightProps/status/586609656103055360) We'd certainly watch a movie called Alice in Zombieland. pic.twitter.com/0GQ8JVM4ZZ —...
@ScareLosAngeles : RT @EvilTwinStudios: @ScareLosAngeles Thanks for the #FF Counting down to August and all the #ScareLA fun! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles/status/586609522929565696) @ScareLosAngeles Thanks for the #FF...