@TheBigScaryShow : Jerry Vaynes New CD is ready to debut at MHC: #jerryvayne #bigscaryshow http://t.co/I4w1M4YdGq (via Twitter http://twitter.com/TheBigScaryShow/status/598204078645186560) Jerry Vaynes New CD is ready to debut...
@TheBigScaryShow : RT @MidSyndicate: Midnight Syndicate to release new album, announces plans for Midnight Syndicate Live! Midnight Syndicate has… http://t.co/5QXRJUkT6Q (via Twitter http://twitter.com/TheBigScaryShow/status/598193570810634240) Midnight Syndicate to...
@245TStudios : Recording our Female Haunters Special tonight! What would you like to hear or lovely guests talk shop about!? (via Twitter http://twitter.com/245TStudios/status/597485119268597760) Recording our Female...
CLICK HERE to read more from Return Of The Living Podcast Houses October Destroyed read more. In this episode we discuss the movie Houses October Built...
@TheBigScaryShow : New BIG SCARY NEWS: Episode 47 features all the latest plus interviews with Alan Oppenheimer and Charles Fleischer. http://t.co/GBBtkDG3Yu (via Twitter http://twitter.com/TheBigScaryShow/status/596735757458497536) New BIG...
@245TStudios : Seriously, this weekend we’re doing an all #femalehaunter show. What kind of questions would you like to hear or female guests answer!? (via Twitter...
@245TStudios : WTF is Twitter? (via Twitter http://twitter.com/245TStudios/status/596387172594360320) WTF is Twitter? — The Living Podcast (@245TStudios) May 7, 2015 from http://twitter.com/245TStudios Follow us https://twitter.com/MastersOfFear
@TheBigScaryShow : RT @MidSyndicate: Official announcement on @MidSyndicate’s plans for 2015 coming next week… #Halloween #music #horror #upcoming http://t.co/6Saf2ADnhx (via Twitter http://twitter.com/TheBigScaryShow/status/596393672570187777) Official announcement on @MidSyndicate's...
@TheBigScaryShow : New BIG SCARY SHOW: features MHC, Wednesday 13, a musicians roundtable, and possibly the Gruesome Giveaway winner. http://t.co/phFuxLRCp5 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/TheBigScaryShow/status/596294342915989504) New BIG SCARY...