The NBC television series Hannibal, inspired by the writings and characters created by Thomas Harris and immortalized on the screen in the persona of Anthony Hopkins,...
In our Season 3 Finale, we talk chainsaw acting, what to look for in a haunted house and we introduce the newest member to our team!...
Episode 63 Badger, The Unknown Scare- Actor, and Wicked Wendy descended upon ScareFest in Lexington, Ky last week and came away with a bunch of interviews....
We talk with the creative team behind Cleveland, OH’s Fear Experience Haunted House. Return Of The Living Podcast is your ONE destination for all things horror....
Episode 62 For some haunts, the scaring fun begins this weekend. Badger has a chat with fan favorite Sal Lizard, the Vampire Santa, and apparently he...
We chat with good friend Bloody Bill Pon about his haunts Circus Of The Dead Monster Maze and Def Con 1 Haunted house, as well as,...
We try to talk with Froggy’s Fog Rep. Scott Tater Lynd but, as usual, the conversation takes a left turn immediately. Return Of The Living Podcast...
Episode 61 August is flying by, September is rushing up like a Zombie from 28 Days Later, and Haunt Season is lurking around the corner. We...