@ScareLosAngeles : @InsideBates Connection is fine. A little choppy, but audio is perfect! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles/status/588432906223099904) @InsideBates Connection is fine. A little choppy, but audio is...
@ScareLosAngeles : You rock! Scare you soon!
@ScareLosAngeles : @InsideBates @CarbonellNestor What helps you prepare for heavier episodes (such as the most recent one)? (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles/status/588431537818902528) @InsideBates @CarbonellNestor What helps you prepare...
@ScareLosAngeles : @InsideBates @CarbonellNestor Have you ever attended Halloween Horror Nights and do you like Halloween? (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles/status/588429914199601152) @InsideBates @CarbonellNestor Have you ever attended Halloween...
@ScareLosAngeles : RT @InsideBates: LIVE on #Periscope: With @carbonellnestor at the original #BatesMotel, answering your questions LIVE! https://t.co/WTXGY4m6jQ (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles/status/588428513608269824) LIVE on #Periscope: With @carbonellnestor...
CLICK HERE to read more from West Coast Haunters Convention’s Facebook Wall Meet artist Jonathan Mario, owner of CrowCawfx. Jonathan will be both vending… read more....
@ScareLosAngeles : We’re brewing up some amazing scary stuff – check out this article by @LAist & read for yourself! #ScareLA https://t.co/Ho9EZGuHLP (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles/status/588376761550774272) We're...
CLICK HERE to read more from Midwest Haunters Convention’s Facebook Wall Don't forget to sign up for the Miss Scary Midwest Pageant! We still have a...
@ScareLosAngeles : Some exclusive #ScareLA news in this latest @LAist article on escape rooms! Tix at http://t.co/N1kiP38yDF https://t.co/Ho9EZGd6Uh (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles/status/588203742694141955) Some exclusive #ScareLA news in...
@ScareLosAngeles : @TEDxPasadenaWmn Thank you for posting! (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles/status/588201715125592065) @TEDxPasadenaWmn Thank you for posting! — ScareLA (@ScareLosAngeles) April 15, 2015 from http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles Follow us https://twitter.com/MastersOfFear