The origin story of the man who becomes Dracula. In Theaters October 17th 2014 Dracula Untold is an upcoming 2014 American action horror film directed by...
New To Streaming This Week                           [divider]
New To Streaming This Week After a glacier in the Alps leaks a mysterious red liquid, a group of scientists must defend themselves against hordes of biological...
John Form has found the perfect gift for his expectant wife, Mia – a beautiful, rare vintage doll in a pure white wedding dress. But Mia’s...
August 21th 2014 Streaming      [divider] [button color=”red” size=”big” link=”” target=”blank” ]View More[/button]
Grace: The #Possession on DVD October 28th
Happy Monday everyone! This was originally going to be a post to tell you how excited I am about flying to Cape Town, South Africa to...
Incensed by the tabloid culture which celebrates it, the L.A. Slasher publicly abducts a series of reality TV stars, while the media and general public in...
He is best known for his adaptations of Stephen King stories, such as directing the horror film Sleepwalkers starring Mädchen Amick[2] and is the creator of...