[#Horror #Podcast] Horror Movie Podcast Ep. 079: The Top 10 Horror Movies of 2015 With BillChete of Horror On The Go
9 years agoon

Horror Movie Podcast Ep. 079: The Top 10 Horror Movies of 2015 With BillChete of Horror On The Go read more.
Happy New Year’s Eve, horror fans, and welcome to Episode 079 of HORROR MOVIE PODCAST, where we’re Dead Serious About Horror Movies… This show is a special cooperative production with Horror On The Go, an Internet audio broadcast hosted by horror podcasting legend, BillChete, who is a longtime veteran horror movie critic, connoisseur, personality, DJ and host. In this fateful, year-in-review episode, Jay of the Dead, Wolfman Josh and BillChete each bring you their Top 10 Horror Movies of 2015. But more importantly, we have also calculated the Top 10 Horror Movies of 2015 from the collective HMP listenership! So, you’re getting four great Top 10 lists, as well as some other various 2015 lists!
Jay and Wolfman also bring you an HMP 2015: Year in Review, in which they discuss the many highlights of this podcast during 2015. And finally, Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop returns to hear Jay’s theory about a real-life zombie plague that Jay believes is upon us. This is a must-listen episode. (And by the way, if you love counting down these end-of-the-year lists, then please join Jay over on his sister show, Movie Podcast Weekly, for The Top 10 Movies of 2015 for all genres! Join us!
Horror Movie Podcast is a bi-weekly show that’s released every other Friday. If you’d like to support our show, please subscribe to our podcast free in iTunes, and leave us a review! And remember, we love getting your voicemails, so call in with more recommendations and comments at this number: (801) 382-8789 Thanks for listening to Horror Movie Podcast!
I. Introduction
— Welcome BillChete
— Horror On The Go’s 2015 Year in Review:
–Oct. 1, 2015 — Grisly Zone Reunion
–Sept. 1, 2015 — Lady Phantom Questions BillChete
–Aug. 1, 2015 — The Human Centipede trilogy reviewed with ChrisiFix
–July 1, 2015 — Independent Horror With Max Cerchi
*** –June 1, 2015 — Horror Genre Classification With Jay of the Dead (a must-listen)
–May 1, 2015 — Horror Remakes With Little Miss Horror Nerd
–April 1, 2015 — Why Dolls Are Scary With Lady Phantom
( Hear more at: Horror On The )
— 2015 Horror Trends
[ 0:26:10 ] II. TOP 10 HORROR MOVIES OF 2015
Jay of the Dead’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2015
1. No Escape
2. Bone Tomahawk
3. It Follows
4. Preservation
5. Insidious: Chapter 3
6. The Green Inferno
7. Into the Grizzly Maze
8. Backcountry
9. Goodnight Mommy
10. Landmine Goes Click -tie- The Visit
Wolfman Josh’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2015
1. It Follows
2. Crimson Peak
3. The Final Girls
4. The Hallow
5. The Visit
6. What We Do in the Shadows
7. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
8. Goodnight Mommy
9. The Editor
10. Turbo Kid
BillChete’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2015
1. Charlie’s Farm
2. Some Kind of Hate
3. Tales of Halloween
4. Landmine Goes Click
5. Muck
6. It Follows
7. Kristy
8. The Diabolical
9. Old 37
10. Digging Up the Marrow
The HMP Listenership’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2015
1. It Follows
2. The Final Girls
3. The Visit
4. Bone Tomahawk
5. We Are Still Here
6. Insidious: Chapter 3
7. Krampus
8. What We Do in the Shadows
9. Crimson Peak
10. Tales of Halloween
— BillChete’s Honorable Mentions for 2015 Horror
— JOTD and Wolfman’s other lists: Honorable Mentions, Biggest Disappointments, Dishonorable Mentions, Worst Horror Movie of 2015, etc.
[ 2:17:23 ] III. HMP 2015: Year in Review
— by Jay of the Dead and Wolfman Josh
— As promised, here’s the link to our infamous HMP Ep. 061 Grizzly Zone – Blood in the Air and Killer Bears episode.
[ 3:03:31 ] IV. Jay of the Dead’s Real-Life Zombie Plague Called “vii” Featuring Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop
Note: The photo at right is HMP Superfan Jason Dragon (huge supporter of this podcast) wearing his Horror Movie Podcast T-shirt — representin’ — at Days of the Dead-Chicago 2015, standing beside David Naughton from “An American Werewolf in London” (1981). Thanks, Jason! Love the pic!
V. Wrap-Up / Plugs / Ending
JOIN US IN TWO WEEKS ON HMP 2016: Episode 080: Predictions for New Horror Movies Coming in 2016! Our next episode will release on January 15, 2016.
NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS: If you love this podcast, there are 36 episodes of two other great podcasts that precede this one. Just scroll back through our archives, or use the links in the sidebar on the right.
Leave a comment or e-mail us here: [email protected]
HMP listeners: Please take a moment to hit up BillChete at one of the places below and thank him for sharing his list with HMP! Thanks. —JOTD
BillChete’s links:
Horror On The
E-mail: BillChete (AT) Gmail (DOT) com
On Twitter: @BillChete — a must-follow
BillChete on Facebook
BillChete on Tumblr
BillChete on Google Plus
Check out Wolfman Josh’s Movie Stream Cast Ep. 61 to hear his discussion of “Coherence” (2013) and “Survivor: Cambodia ‘Second Chance’”
Jay of the Dead would love it if you check out the Top 10 Movies of 2015 (for all genres) for our sister show, Movie Podcast Weekly.
Jay of the Dead’s links:
Jay of the Dead and Horror Movie Podcast Official Twitter: @HorrorMovieCast
Jay of the Dead covers new releases in theaters on:Â Movie Podcast Weekly
And if you’d like to e-mail Jay of the Dead with a good Beastly Freaks recommendation: [email protected]
Wolfman Josh’s links:
Follow Josh on Twitter: @IcarusArts
Josh covers streaming online movies on: Movie Stream Cast
Follow MSC on Twitter: @MovieStreamCast
Like MSC on: Facebook
Dr. Shock’s links:
Dave’s daily movie review website: DVD
Follow Dave on Twitter: @DVDinfatuation
Like Dave’s DVD Infatuation, now on: Facebook
Dr. Shock also appears on this horror podcast: Land of the Creeps
Dr. Walking Dead’s links:
Pre-order Kyle’s new book! How Zombies Conquered Popular Culture: The Multifarious Walking Dead in the 21st Century
Order Kyle’s previous books American Zombie Gothic and Triumph of The Walking Dead
Follow Kyle on Twitter: @DrWalkingDead
You can always contact us by e-mailing [email protected]. Or you can call and leave us a voice mail at: (801) 382-8789. And you can leave us a comment in the show notes for this episode.
Special thanks goes out to singer-songwriter Frederick Ingram for the use of his music for Horror Movie Podcast.
If you like Horror Movie Podcast, please subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes. If you want to support the show, we have PayPal buttons on our sister site, Movie Podcast, in the right-hand sidebar where you can make a one-time donation or you can become a recurring donor for just $2 per month. (Every little bit helps!)
Thanks for listening, and join us again Friday after next for HORROR MOVIE PODCAST!
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws. 2015.
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