I am PUMPED for @ScareLosAngeles this weekend and plan on looking like a man-killing vixen witch #ohwaitialreadylooklikethat — Kori Celeste (@koriraee) August 5, 2015 from http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles...
Next up will be a live maze announcement @ScareLosAngeles this Saturday at 4:30 on the main stage Pasadena Convention Center. Be there! — Horror Nights (@HorrorNights)...
WHAT. Maria Malone: Makeup Illusionist http://t.co/Ezpt8RomPl pic.twitter.com/MekC2K5PDS — FrightProps (@FrightProps) August 5, 2015 from http://twitter.com/FrightProps Follow us https://twitter.com/MastersOfFear
Jay of @HorrorMovieCast returns to @MovieStreamCast to review @PresentPictures' PRESERVATION: http://t.co/t4tfGY5LpS pic.twitter.com/0azUrI8HkH — Movie Stream Cast (@MovieStreamCast) August 5, 2015
#FaceOff fans @ScareLosAngeles is this weekend, see artists incl @KeaghlanAshley @CatPaschen @MissyMunsterFX & more making #makeup magic — cyberaug (@cyberaug) August 5, 2015 from http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles Follow...
Come see us at @ScareLosAngeles for our #TalesofHalloween panel this Sunday!!! Details –> http://t.co/3c45qflQOL pic.twitter.com/ykr2Az40Tr — Shaked Berenson (@ShakedBerenson) August 5, 2015 from http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles Follow us...
*taps foot impatiently for @ScareLosAngeles* — Neil Protacio (@NeilProtacio) August 5, 2015 from http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles Follow us https://twitter.com/MastersOfFear
Be sure to check out Rick West tonight at 7pm Periscoping live with @JeffDePaoli – it'll be a party and @ScareLosAngeles discussion! — Theme Park Adventure...
X-46 in a lab crate, working late, getting all the orders out this week, if I can help it #GettingShitDone… http://t.co/lBLrDrrqaA — VFX (@VFXCreates) August 5,...
Some residents of WARD 13 are getting locked & loaded to attend @scarelosangeles. Find 'em near the #VaultofDarkness pic.twitter.com/RhTOVIy4Cl — Evil Twin Studios (@EvilTwinStudios) August 4,...