@hauntmagazine : AMAZING!!! Dead Guy Wrecking Crew Daniel Kamarudin http://t.co/0HHt4py6Y4 http://t.co/TE3IFxjBHw (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/599279338723250176) AMAZING!!! Dead Guy Wrecking Crew Daniel Kamarudin http://t.co/0HHt4py6Y4 http://t.co/TE3IFxjBHw — Haunted Attraction (@hauntmagazine) May...
@FrightProps : “Isn’t it a little early for Halloween?” – The question that every single haunter is tired of hearing. (via Twitter http://twitter.com/FrightProps/status/599263440629301249) "Isn't it a...
@ScareLosAngeles : #FF @EvilTwinStudios @ParksAndCons @captvt @Daniel_DeSanto @Boneyardfx @latimesfunland @HalloweenTales @RalisKahn @InParkMagazine (via Twitter http://twitter.com/ScareLosAngeles/status/599263819261546496) #FF @EvilTwinStudios @ParksAndCons @captvt @Daniel_DeSanto @Boneyardfx @latimesfunland @HalloweenTales @RalisKahn @InParkMagazine —...
@FrightProps : This week’s Bloodthirsty Thursday prize will be given away to THREE winners! Favorite & Retweet to enter to win! http://t.co/3eWMH4bgZr (via Twitter http://twitter.com/FrightProps/status/599259999098003456) This...
@CFXunmasked : A fan did some awesome #makeup work of our #Death #mask! Looks great MonteyRoo (http://t.co/ZjLFerg41I) #cfxmasks http://t.co/GNfByXZqlA (via Twitter http://twitter.com/CFXunmasked/status/599260413738483712) A fan did some...
@CFXunmasked : RT @FightingOwlFilm: Looking forward to shooting the final scenes of Full Moon Inc this wknd, featuring a @CFXunmasked mask on a main character! #cfxmasks...
@hauntmagazine : Nice vision of Pinhead! http://t.co/jzeOiXqpwx http://t.co/4pP6qS8JMQ (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/599245722207195136) Nice vision of Pinhead! http://t.co/jzeOiXqpwx http://t.co/4pP6qS8JMQ — Haunted Attraction (@hauntmagazine) May 15, 2015 from http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine Follow...
@hauntmagazine : Classic Frankenstein for a TGIF!! Found on http://t.co/5ox2Qd276a, Pin Seaira Miles http://t.co/YHKFKQaM7l (via Twitter http://twitter.com/hauntmagazine/status/599229761156583424) Classic Frankenstein for a TGIF!! Found on http://t.co/5ox2Qd276a, Pin Seaira...
@CFXunmasked : RT @HAAShow: Infamous New Orleans haunted house HO– USE OF SHOCK wants to come back from the dead… with your help! KICKSTART… http://t.co/oKtAnP4b9p (via...
@HAAShow : Infamous New Orleans haunted house HO– USE OF SHOCK wants to come back from the dead… with your help! KICKSTART… http://t.co/oKtAnP4b9p (via Twitter http://twitter.com/HAAShow/status/599216540496498689)...