Walker Stalker Con #Convention RT from @WalkrStalkrCon : @B00kitty A lot of folks can’t afford Celebrity VIP tickets, Regular VIPs are an important part of giving everyone a chance to meet guests! Published 9 years ago on November 7, 2015 By Fear Master Hartley @B00kitty A lot of folks can't afford Celebrity VIP tickets, Regular VIPs are an important part of giving everyone a chance to meet guests! — Walker Stalker Con (@WalkrStalkrCon) November 7, 2015 from http://twitter.com/WalkrStalkrCon Follow us https://twitter.com/MastersOfFear Post Views: 229 Related Topics:IFTTTTwitter Up Next #Convention RT from @WalkrStalkrCon : @fletch_teresa I think it will! Don't Miss #Convention RT from @WalkrStalkrCon : @Fran_Pollio19 First, great name (I’m Francesca too!) Secondly, yes, you can purchase autos and photos with any guest you’d like! Fear Master Hartley Continue Reading You may like Get Around the 140-Character Limit on Twitter #Convention RT from @WalkrStalkrCon : @kimtaylor_xo An interesting idea! Is that an installment plan? #Convention RT from @WalkrStalkrCon : @DeanIHopkins Those prices are set by the agents, so we don’t know, I’m afraid! #Haunt #Mag RT from @hauntmagazine : Photo from inside an abandoned house in Belgium. Photo by Urban Exploration by Provost Kenneth https://t.co/kuccBbx3BZ #Convention RT from @WalkrStalkrCon : @xFall3n_Ang31x We’ve moved many of the fees our attendees experienced last year into the price, so make sure pricing is clearer up front! #Convention RT from @WalkrStalkrCon : @PinkScoobster It is! We have a shiny new ticket vendor!