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[#Horror #Podcast] EPISODE 364 – Still Scared



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EPISODE 364 – Still Scared read more.

To prove we didn’t get too hung up on the pessimism of last week’s discussion, we celebrate the power of the genre we love this week. We revisit the potential of horror to make the hairs on our neck
stand on edge and send rippling chills through our souls.

Following a request we received from members of the facebook group community to integrate discussions into the podcast, we found a wonderful synergy with our topic of films that had the power to truly scare us. We kick things off with a lengthy discussion of the recent Aussie release The Babadook which captured the ambiguous terror of psychological turmoil reminiscent of Polanski’s Repulsion. We then took to the facebook discussion of fill in the blank films that are regarded as personal scariest picks.

The Babadook spoilers run from 32:02 to 40:41

Along the way we get into Mike Tyson’s Mysteries, Bill Cosby (Tony has a new impression…), the Universal reboot strategy, Birdman, Dumb and Dumber To (?), some rewatches, Nosferatu remake,
Kickstarter, X-mas musings, and much more. It’s great to be back on schedule (stay tuned to the end of the show for a sneak preview at the upcoming roster of subjects).


The Horroretc 2015 Calendar is now available – please check out the link on our website to support this cool community-driven project.

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