Cobwebs and Candlesticks on Fear Expo – April 6th Thursday Night Fear Expo Live
Meet Keith, the owner of Cobwebs and Candlesticks, a relatively new player in the haunted house industry. His company started vending last year and he created his own YouTube channel in 2020. With over 20 years of experience as a home haunter, Keith builds unique props from resin, making original sculpts that he can place in his yard.
A Creative Response to the Pandemic
When COVID-19 hit, trick-or-treating became a concern for many families. Keith responded to this situation by making small magnets out of resin that they could keep. He puts the magnets on a big black light board and allows kids to choose one while their parents hesitate on letting them take candy. This unique response to the pandemic provided a creative solution for families who were concerned about their kids’ safety.
Experience in Classic Car Restoration
Keith has been in the auto body industry for over 25 years doing classic car restorations. He uses the knowledge he has gained from this experience to craft his props and ensure that they are nearly indestructible, and can even withstand harsh weather for 30-40 days. The skills he has mastered over the years enables him to create props that are unique and unmatched by others in the industry.
Active on Social Media
Keith regularly posts on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube under the same name, Cobwebs and Candlesticks. He has also been engaging with his followers by encouraging them to drop their promotions on his Facebook page. He is always willing to answer questions about a product or something he made on YouTube. Keith’s engagement with his followers shows his commitment to providing top-notch customer service and creating a community around his brand.
Big Plans for the Future
Keith attended Fear Expo this year (2023) and is planning to come back next year as a vendor to sell his creations. His desire to bring his brand to the forefront of the industry is evident through his dedication to excellence in his creations.
As we conclude, we hope this article has given you a glimpse into the world of Keith and Cobwebs and Candlesticks. Keith’s passion for haunts and his desire to create unique props has made him a rising star in the industry. His responsiveness to the pandemic demonstrates his innovative thinking and commitment to taking care of his customers. Keith has an exciting future ahead and is sure to make waves in the haunted house industry.