Have you watched these online Haunt Documentaries? We have compiled a list of Haunt Documentaries that are worth watching. Some of these documentaries require a subscription...
Horror Movies Coming to Amazon Prime in January 2018. Invaders from Mars, Primitive, The Wraith, A Ghost Story, Grimm: Season 6, The Devil’s Double
Full List of Horror Movies Coming to Hulu in January 2018. Cube, Ghoulies, Night of the Living Dead 3D, Subspecies, Yakuza Apocalypse, Fear the Walking Dead
Haunt Stories from the Dead Factory and the Deadmonton Haunted House. New Podcast from HaunTopic Radio | December 28th, 2017 Haunt Podcast
The best upcoming Survival Horror video games releasing in 2018. Agony, Scorn, Allison Road, Hunt: Showdown, Moons of Madness
Here are a list of Horror Movies Coming to Netflix in January 2018 Streaming Starting January 1st 30 Days of Night (2007, Directed by David Slade) Official Synopsis: In...
Do you love to Build or Create for a Haunt? Post your FREE Resume now! Post your Haunted Resume. Connecting Haunters with Haunt Jobs.
Mix & Match any Rules, Warnings or Monster Trivia from ScreamScapes to play in your Que Line Video. Save over 40% with this Que Line Video...
Midwest Haunters Convention 2018 Haunted Bus Tour Since our first haunt tour in 2004 the Midwest Haunters Convention has spotlighted many of the best haunts in...
The Scare Factor 2017 Haunt Review for HellsGate Haunted House. Reviewed By Team Zombillies on October 14, 2017 in Lockport, Illinois.