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We recently had a witch and a couple of werewolves visit us at Netherworld Haunted House! Well, sort of… Danielle Campbell, Nathan Parsons (also of True Blood fame) and Colin Woodell from The CW's The Originals stopped by for a good scare, and from their posts on social media it sounds like they had a blast.
Danielle said: "If you're n Atl go to @HauntedAtlanta it is amazing!!! So freaky & fun! Took some #werewolves for protection @ColinWoodell @Nathan_Parsons". To which Nathan said "This thing is out of control awesome" and Colin replied "@daniellemcam I don't know how well I "protected." I was screaming like a little girl the whole time".
We have to say, we were delighted by not only how genuinely excited they were when they attended, but also by how genuine they were as individuals…these are folks who come into our living rooms each and every week and yet they (like their spin-off sister Nina Dobrev from The Vampire Diaries, Chloë Grace Moretz and the gang from The Walking Dead) were so polite, grounded, and had such kind words for what we have created here at Netherworld over the past 18 years (none of which they had to say).
We here at Netherworld can attest that New Hollywood is NOT all narcissism and selfies…it's truly been a delight to host you all.
Oh yeah, Netherworld is Open two more nights…come on out and see us if you can! 😉
This Friday, November 7th and Saturday, November 8th are our final nights of the 2014 season and your last chance to see "Season of the Witch" and "SPLICED"! We won't return until next September when we'll have two all new haunted adventures for you to brave!
For more info or to buy tix now, visit