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[#HauntedHouse #HauntedAttractions] Foster The People’s Mark Foster and Isom Innis dropped by Netherworld Haunted Ho…



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Foster The People's Mark Foster and Isom Innis dropped by Netherworld Haunted Ho… read more.

Foster The People's Mark Foster and Isom Innis dropped by Netherworld Haunted House while passing through Atlanta on their current tour. They had a blast and even stopped for a pic with one of our less gruesome, but equally scary ghouls. Thanks for taking the detour to visit guys…glad you all had fun!

The season is really winding down here at Netherworld, only a few more chances to see for yourself what Mark and thousands of others are screaming about! Netherworld is OPEN TONIGHT and EVERY NIGHT thru this Sunday, November 2nd and then just two more nights on November 7th & 8th.

These are the final nights to see "Season of the Witch" and "SPLICED"…next year they will be replaced by two all-new haunted adventures!

Buy Your Tickets Now Before It's Too Late at


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