David Quinn, an artist, and owner of Monster Alive, is renowned for creating unique masks inspired by nightmares and emotions. He believes in meticulous preparation and...
Pale Night (formerly Pale Night Productions) is a company that specializes in creating creepy Halloween props, and they’re always taking orders for their products. One of...
Molly Zombie is a VFX puppet who has become a social media sensation, boasting over 2 million views on TikTok. Originally purchased for Halloween decoration, Molly...
If you are passionate about makeup, you might have heard of Emily Bloom from Bloom’s FX & Design, a makeup artist with multiple skills in the...
Meet Keith, the owner of Cobwebs and Candlesticks, a relatively new player in the haunted house industry. His company started vending last year and he created...
Costumes are an essential part of any performance, and performers depend on their outfits to enhance their performances. However, proper care of haunt costumes is not...
Are you a fan of horror movies, haunted houses, and Halloween? If yes, then you’ll love “Yup, That’s Scary,” a podcast and live show that talks...
Doug Schaefer is a well-known name in the industry of Haunt Practical Effects at VFX and is regarded as a top-notch designer and lead artist who...
The Haunted House Industry: Insights from Leonard Pickel Halloween is just around the corner, and many of us are looking forward to the thrills and scares...
Discover America’s Haunted Attractions with HauntScene Are you a fan of all things spooky? Do you crave the thrill of a haunted attraction? Then look no...
Fear Expo LLC, the newest National Haunt Industry Tradeshow, has acquired HAuNTcon (a.k.a. Haunted Attraction National Tradeshow & Convention) from Clarion Events. The acquisition was first...
Are you tired of disposable masks that don’t make a lasting impression? Look no further than Scared of My Shadow, the go-to company for durable and...
The upcoming trade show (Fear Expo) is bringing together the best in the industry, with a range of special effects artists presenting their incredible creations. One...
Here’s a list of Holiday Haunts that we know are open in 2022! Please message us if your haunt is open and we’ll add it! Infernum...